Trish and her family are proud supporters of our men and women in uniform, past and present. They believe in the Divine Providence bestowed on our country in in its early days, and believe the United States of America would not have existed if not for God and the men and women who fought for our freedom. Giving back to those who gave so much is an important mission for the Raimer family. Trish has been married to Phill Raimer since 1994, and they have one son and one daughter. She is a native Coloradoan who has owned her own bookkeeping business for 25 years. Trish loves to support non-profit organizations with their financial needs. “I enjoy the behind-the-scenes supporting role of handling the bookkeeping area that most everyone else hates, and allowing the rest of the board to do what they do best……help our veterans with hunts that can change lives. It’s truly an honor to serve with the Base Camp 40 team!”

Tricia Raimer